Thursday, May 05, 2005

pretty bad insomnia

I think i might have insomia, or some kind of sleep depriviation disease.... Oh My God...

I can't remember when the last time i went to bed before 10 am WIB. and last night was pretty bad. I have only two hours and half of sleep. I just couldn't get to sleep! i toss and turn in my bed for hours before deciding to turn on the light, then i try to read a book, listen the radio or mp3 from my Nokia Ngage, streching, Pus up, Sit up, animating fan, jump up and down, "salto" , circling room, meditating, etcetera. but there is just no going to sleep..

Is there anybody can help me?


laila said...

hmmm... insomnia? wah gejala akut khas kaum urban! let me tell u sumthin mister, your biological clock is totally screwed up! that's why u have those night with insomnia... well, as a nice, kind woman who cares about society, i would say : " it's not healthy!!!"
so stop saying i need to do some sport activity before u can show me u can take care yourself better than me!

Anonymous said...

pernah coba ngitung sampe seribu? 2rb?3rb?dst....?kadang itu berhasil...tapi kalo dah parah bgt won't work!!biar sekalian nambah pahala...dibawa dzikir deh....bukannya so' alim...gak ada salahnya kan ngabarin kebaikan! biasanya insomnia gara2 banyak yg dipikirin...atau krn kerjanya terlalu over...semua kembali ke diri anda bung! kalau mau sehat...terapkan pola hidup sehat!kerja giat sah-sah aja, tapi juga harus bisa adil sama kondisi badan sendiri!
kalau menurut gw... life is about balancing! just think of it!